Brownback Delivers Major Energy Policy Speech

Press Release

Date: May 23, 2007
Location: Alexandria, VA

Brownback Delivers Major Energy Policy Speech

U.S. Senator Sam Sam Brownback yesterday delivered a major energy policy speech in which he stressed the importance of ending America's dependence on foreign oil.

"We must be energy self-reliant in North America in the next fifteen years, a goal which is possible to achieve using our ingenuity, resources and determination" said Brownback. "For too long our foreign policy has been dictated, in part, by our need for foreign oil. It is in America's security interest to seek ways to lessen our dependence on foreign oil."

Brownback proposed numerous plans to lessen America's dependence on foreign oil including increased domestic oil production; exploration and drilling in ANWR; increased oil imports from the Canadian oil sands; and greater accessibility to renewable fuels, coal-to-liquid technology and electricity as a transportation fuel option.

Brownback continued, "There is no silver bullet solution to the fuel problem. We should introduce competition into the transportation fuel market, which is currently 97% dependent upon petroleum based products. Consumers need another option beyond petroleum, and that option should be electricity, which is generated here in American. We could be fueling a majority of our transportation sector with American sources of energy, as opposed to foreign oil. We should be more dependent on the Midwest for our fuel, rather than the Middle East."

Brownback's speech was part of the "Primary Energy '08: Presidential Candidate Series" sponsored by the Set America Free Coalition, in which presidential candidates are invited to deliver a comprehensive energy plan.
